Ottawa, Ontario, Canada - January 12, 2012. Victim Service Providers (VSPs) and Victim Crisis and Assistance Referal Services (VCARS) across Ontario have leveraged Dual Code's unique online learning program to train the 300+ volunteers they recruit on an annual basis and improve support services offered to victims of crimes and tragic circumstances.
"Volunteers are critical to our success," stated Monika Huminuk, Executive Director of Sunset Area VCARS. "Dual Code's program and expertise, along with funding provided through a two-year, $137,000 provincial grant from the Ontario Trillium Foundation made back in March are the reasons this project will soon be a reality. Not only will the new training help us meet regulatory training requirements province wide, but it will also allow us to double our volunteer base by making the volunteer recruitment process more accessible by enabling volunteers to learn from home, at their convenience."
Under the current program, volunteers are required to complete a minimum of 40 hours of training prior to being able to provide services to victims of crime and tragic circumstances. Given the volunteers' busy work schedules and family commitments, getting someone to commit to spending 40 hours in a classroom proves to be challenging. Finding experienced trainers who can train those same individuals at a mutually convenient time can also be logistically problematic. Dual Code's self-paced online training solution allows volunteers to learn at their convenience, in the comfort of their own home. Once the online portion of the program is completed, volunteers are invited to a face-to-face weekend session that comprises team building activities and allows VSPs and VCARS to get to know their volunteers on a more personal basis.
"We felt maintaining a face-to-face aspect to our training program was an important part of the overall strategy," added Monika Huminuk. "Because each victim service provider across Ontario has slightly unique requirements, having the opportunity to spend time with our volunteers allows us to present cases that are unique to our organization and region, all-the-while meeting our volunteers and building a personal relationship with them. The in-house training also gives us the opportunity to screen candidates prior to them meeting with vulnerable people in the community, ensure that volunteers have had a Criminal Records check through local police services, and that they understand their roles, responsibilities and service limitations clearly."
"Sunset Area VCARS and all other Ontario victim service providers are exemplary organizations that prove once again that NPOs on a shoestring training budget don't have to settle when it comes to training their volunteers," stated Luc Richard, President and CEO of Dual Code Inc. "By joining forces with Dual Code, they are able to offer their volunteers a first-class training program. We hope other organizations whose success depends on volunteers will follow their lead."
A leading grant-maker in Canada, the Ontario Trillium Foundation strengthens the capacity of the voluntary sector through investments in community-based initiatives. An agency of the Government of Ontario, OTF builds healthy and vibrant communities. For more information, please visit the website at
Sunset Area VCARS is a registered charity and not-for-profit organization. Program guidelines and core funding is provided by The Ministry of the Attorney General. Sunset Area VCARS partners with local Police and Emergency Services by providing immediate short-term, emotional and practical support and referral services to victims of crime or other tragic circumstances twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. For further information about Sunset Area VCARS, please visit
Dual Code Inc. is a Business-to-Business (B2B) eLearning service provider based in Ottawa, Canada. We design, develop and host open-source learning management systems, web conferencing systems and custom eLearning courses for organizations looking to outsource or co-source their eLearning program. We also provide systems integration services to integrate our clients’ learning environment with third-party or internal systems. For further information about Dual Code, please visit or call 1.888.791.0791.